Here you will find a listing of the Danish clothes, shoes and fashion outlets that are organised in 2025
Stores with permanent location and opening hours
Exhibitions that take place on specific dates
Your chosen location
How does it work?
Choose your location, search radius, how many results you wish to see, and the kind of outlet you’re looking for.
You have the possibility to choose between outlets with a permanent location and fixed opening hours and the large exhibition outlets that pop up on certain dates throughout 2025.
If you wish to see a full list of outlets this year you can select the date-overview. Here you will find a complete list of both permanent outlets and those that pop up during 2025.
We love a great offers
At Katoni we always love a great offer. For that reason, we have selected lots of clothes, shoes, and accessories from several online shops. This makes it easier for you to discover the best prices on your new fashion investment.
Online shopping is easy and convenient. Though it’s a matter close to our hearts, we still find it exhilarating to browse through large piles of clothing.
To fight with others over that last pair of THOSE boots as were we Isla Fisher in ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’. To become completely enthused to find that dress on the rack 50 % off. Anyone with the slightest amount of Carrie Bradshaw in their DNA would understand!
You can save lots of money on your new findings – from party dresses to sportswear. Actually, you can save as much as 80 % on your shopping. So do you too think that it’s crazy to pay overprice when you have the opportunity to find the same clothing, shoes, accessories, and interior at the Danish fashion outlets? Outlets provide you with understandable prices!
List of fashion outlets
Because we love clothes, shoes, and accessories in every way, we have made a long list of Danish fashion outlets right here. This means that you always have the possibility to check Katoni for an updated list of outlets happening near by you in 2025.
Do you residence in Aarhus like us? Then you probably know that “Ridehuset” invites you to a fashion outlet some time during spring. But what is the exact date? People living in Copenhagen know that Forum is swimming with shopping craving fashionistas some days in October. But what are the dates for Designer Forum this year? And maybe there’s a new and exiting outlet near you that you don’t know about yet?
Maybe you’re waiting for your favourite brand to have an outlet sale. We are keeping ourselves updated, so that we are able to tell you when to get ready for a burning credit card when you’re using it on brands like Samsøe & Samsøe, by Malene Birger, or maybe Designers Remix.
When visiting a new city you can choose to stop by a nearby outlet with lots of items and different brands instead of walking miles from store to store in the city centre.
Outlets for everyone
Perhaps you’re searching for a new winter jacket or you might just have signed up for a new sports activity and are browsing for sportswear. And it can be tough to re-stock your entire wardrobe to match a new season or interest.
But no matter if you’re shopping for practical winter wear, amazing beachwear for summertime, or searching for new interior inspiration, we are collecting all of it right here. Are you especially interested in sportswear you’ll find specific sport outlets as well.
Write us if we’re missing an outlet
We are doing everything possible to keep this site up-to-date. But have we missed an outlet or do you represent a company with information about a new outlet, please don’t hesitate to write us! With your help we’re able to ensure that the outlet list here at Katoni is always updated.
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