The Evolution of the Perfect Body

As long as humankind has existed, we have always had preferences for each other. Whether it was looks, ideas, beliefs, or attitude that made us prefer one person to another, there has always been some sort of common understanding of what is best.

But it seems that the more we approach our current time, the more we are pressured into having a perfect body. Our subconscious is partly to blame for the way we perceive beauty, but concepts like fame, idolization and advertising are now influencing us more than ever. Some say for the worse.

At Katoni we believe that confidence suits everyone!

We want to inspire people to look their best, and being confident is the sexiest item you can wear. That’s why we chose to showcase how Western society’s common view of the perfect body has changed throughout the last century.

And it has changed a lot!

So much in fact, that being concerned that your body isn’t perfect seems ridiculous, because our common view of beauty is highly prone to change. Hell, for all we know, you might be on the billboards next year!

Don’t believe us? Then take a look at this infographic:


<img src="" width="800" border="0">

This information does not represent ’s opinion in any way, but is the result of research gathered from the internet, and represents the opinions of the majority in a given time period. It is an approximation of past opinions and trends, based on historical research, advertisements, and cultural research.



Jeg hedder Frederik og er uddannet multimediedesigner og digital konceptudvikler. Jeg kan se det positive i alt og elsker at male og generelt være kreativ! Især med mit tøj (wink wink).

Udover at hjælpe de andre med det grafiske styrer jeg også den franske hjemmeside, da jeg er vokset op i Frankrig og kan sproget.

Siden jeg begyndte hos Katoni, har jeg opdaget, hvor sjovt det er at skrive om forskellige emner og producere informative grafikker til mine blogindlæg. Det håber jeg, at I vil nyde godt af her på bloggen.

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